Scalia’s Replacement Is the Line In The Sand
The law is the law. And the law says that the president can’t appoint a Supreme Court justice without the Senate.
The law is the law. And the law says that the president can’t appoint a Supreme Court justice without the Senate.
No president will be perfect. But in the aftermath of a disastrous liberal administration, it is crucial that we elect a leader who will defend our basic freedoms instead of undermining them, value life at its most vulnerable stage and view America not as something to transform but a precious resource to protect.
Fiorina forged a path as a new brand of conservative woman: passionately pro-life enough to offend liberal feminists and yet aware of the sexism that women deal with on a daily basis, never pandering to the far right with denials.
“Fury Road” isn’t yet another male-centric action flick—it’s an incredibly bizarre yet strangely beautiful visual epic with a story arc that glorifies women.
Join Jordan, Matthias and Zach along with special guest @TheRickWilson as we discuss Iowa Caucus results, the latest GOP debate and the A to Z of why The Donald is terrible news for conservatism. Introductions...
Jennifer Lawrence asked an intriguing question in October when she wrote about not negotiating for a better paycheck: “Are [women] socially conditioned to behave this way?”
I was curious about how many of the eight films nominated this year passed the Bechdel test with a scene, however brief, where two women with names exchange one or two sentences about something other than a man.
Join the Paradox team (Matthias, Jordan, Zach) and our guest Dina Fraioli for the 17th episode of the Paradox Project Podcast. Terrible Opinions Zach – There should be a healthcare law that keeps you from...
Join Jordan, Matthias, and Zach along with our special guest Dina Fraioli as we discuss the GOP debate without Trump, the Iowa Caucus, and deliver our slate of terrible opinions and predictions