Paradox Podcast Episode 57: Millennials Aren’t Doing Too Great, and Lindsey Graham Gets It (with Guest Katrina Jørgensen)
Katrina Jørgensen stopped by for what turned out to be a millennial-centric podcast episode this week, joining the Paradox team to share her experiences seeing Sen. Lindsey Graham navigate a South Carolina town hall.
Terrible Opinions
Jordan: Conservatives really need to stop jumping on every Chelsea Clinton story. Yes, liberal media cover her, but progressive voters honestly don’t care.
Matthias: Android’s cutesy upgrade names are annoying and uninformative.
Katrina: I liked “Ghost in the Shell.”
At least one politician is listening …
Katrina talks about a town hall in South Carolina that she attended shortly after the GOP healthcare bill failed. Sen. Lindsey Graham talked about Supreme Court nominee Judge Gorsuch and worked hard to manage a screaming crowd that seemed primarily made up of Bernie voters. He pointed out that he got into trouble with Republicans for supporting President Obama’s Supreme Court nominees, but he is always going to support qualified justices.
Sen. Graham addressed millennials specifically, something that is unusual among politicians. One of the problems he mentioned was the shakiness of social security as well as the late retirement age expected for millennials.
Old school management vs. millennials
We then launch into a discussion of millennial issues, most of which stem from a poor economy. Millennials have a reputation for being disloyal to the workplace, but often it’s because jobs won’t pay enough for them to take care of student debt or have basic things their parents had. Katrina talks about average income for millennials, which doesn’t even guarantee them a middle-class life in the suburbs.
We talk about student debt and the struggle of college graduates who were told that they just needed to get an education and a good job and comfortable life would be guaranteed. Jordan sympathizes with those who want free college (while disagreeing that free college should become policy) because a common millennial problem is graduating with a college degree and then struggling to find a job that pays well. Matthias talks about some of the difficulties of navigating the job market when employers have so much power to pick and choose among millennials who desperately need work.