Paradox Podcast Episode 51: Signs of the Times (with Guest Katrina Jørgensen)
Katrina Jørgensen, formerly Republican and currently vigilant about foreign policy, dropped by this week to discuss the executive order banning refugees, immigrants and travel from seven countries as well as the unnerving change to the National Security Council.
Anti-Ban Protest in Columbia, SC
— Katrina Jørgensen (@Veribatim) January 31, 2017
To open this episode, our Terrible Opinions range from resume submissions to F. Scott Fitzgerald (listen to see who thinks he’s a terrible writer).
As part of our topics, Katrina brings up two very important questions: 1) What is an effective means of protest? and 2) What would be a real sign that we’re in trouble when it comes to Russia and Trump?
She talks about the intricate U.S. immigration process when it comes to both legal immigrants and refugees, clearing up some of the myths around refugees and talking about her experience helping transplanted families in her community.