Category: Culture
Beyond the Bechdel Test: ‘Blue Jasmine’ Is Probably One Reason Cate Blanchett Is Happy about Hollywood Roles for Women
“I think there’s a swathe of great roles for women and swathe of wonderful female performers. I think it’s just time to get on with it.”
No, I’m Not Dating—And Neither Is Rihanna. Here’s Why.
I never really thought I’d find myself saying, “Wow, Rihanna and I are completely in the same boat.”
Let’s Have a Baby for Like $150
In the grand tradition of mommy bloggers and early retirement aficionados, my wife and I realized that we, blessed as Americans to be among the richest people who’ve ever lived, are floating in a sea of material excess.
Beyond the Bechdel Test: ‘The Intern’
Unfortunately, “The Intern” is more an exercise in Fascinating Films That Could Have Been than anything else.
Liberals Hate When Caitlyn Jenner Has Opinions
How unfortunate for liberals that their poster trans individual happened to be a self-avowed Republican who is “more on the conservative side” and believes “in the Constitution.”
Beyond the Bechdel Test: ‘Pretty Little Liars’ (ABC Family)
Why do young women love “Pretty Little Liars”?
Beyond the Bechdel Test: ‘Mean Girls’ (2004)
It’s my generation’s “Heathers” minus the Drano and plus the power of Facebook shares.
A Really Good Book About Hurting Your Friends, Hitting Rock-Bottom Alcoholism and Finding God
The arc of Eve Tushnet’s Amends is that of a teenager’s first night of drunkenness: overwhelming right off the bat, then confusing and ridiculous, then crushingly depressing.
If You Give a Progressive a ‘Problematic’
We all know we have free speech in America—as long as nothing you say bothers anyone ever at any time.