Category: Politics

Bathrooms Aren’t My First Worry with the Transgender Movement. Children Are.

Letting a little boy wear a dress or taking a little girl to get the short haircut she demands has no long-term physical effect. Parents have the right (and the responsibility) to decide what’s best for their children. But the dangerous new trend is encouraging parents with gender-confused kids to take their children for hormone therapy treatments that prevent their young bodies from developing properly. In this looking-glass world, stunted growth is seen as a good thing and eventual sterilization is often the goal.

I Will Never Vote for Trump

I will never vote for Donald Trump, not in any scenario, not if he picks someone I respect and admire as VP, not if he swears on a stack of Bibles that he’ll do the right thing by the Supreme Court and stop undermining the pro-life cause and be the conservative he’s never once been before if we somehow make him president.

At Least He’s Not Satan: The Best of #NeverTrump

What’s a conservative to do when the movement faces something as terrible as Trump?

Respond with principle and passion … and don’t lose your sense of humor. If nothing else, at least Donald J. Trump has inspired some unforgettable quotes from #NeverTrump conservatives. 

The IRS Is Politicized Because We Politicized It.

American citizens: 1. Abuse of power: 0.

For now, at least. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals recently issued an astoundingly scathing rebuke to the IRS, denying its petition to avoid turning over court-ordered documents. The IRS has refused to comply with an order to hand over information about the list of nonprofit organizations improperly targeted for special scrutiny.

Here’s How a GOP Contested Convention Works, As Explained by Mean Girls

What makes 2016 different? Trump is ahead when it comes to delegate numbers. But he still isn’t close to a 1,237 delegate majority, which would mean enough GOP voters supported him for him to represent the party in November. No delegate majority = no nomination. Contested/open/brokered convention, here we come!

So what will a GOP contested convention look like? We thought “Mean Girls” could explain it best.

Half of Republican Women Say #NeverTrump. Maybe the Other Half Haven’t Seen This Video Yet.

Donald Trump won’t like these polls one bit.

The candidate who is presumably busy suing the U.S. political system has a disastrous showing in a new NBC/WSJ poll. Of the female Republican primary voters who were polled, about half (47 percent) said they could not see themselves supporting Trump. This #NeverTrump attitude had a definite gender gap: Among their male counterparts, 40 percent agreed that they did not imagine themselves voting for Trump.

Women tend to lean Democrat as a voting bloc, but data shows that Trump makes the problem much worse.

The ABCs of the Craziest Election of Our Lives

Brokered convention. More precisely called a contested convention, it’s what happens when no candidate earns a majority of delegates—Donald Trump’s greatest fear and the GOP’s only hope in 2016. We’ll likely be looking at a contested GOP convention in Cleveland this July if no one hits the magic number: 1,237.


Trump’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Business Deals

If you can overlook Donald Trump’s bigotry, anger and complete lack of political experience, you can support him based on his business expertise and plans to get the country back on track, right? He’s a fighter who will get us a good deal with China, Mexico and Russia … right?

Not unless bankruptcy, lawsuits and multiple failed companies sound like a good deal to you. Trump can try to pass off Bush Brothers steaks as his own and vow he has never been bankrupt all he wants, but he can’t change the inconvenient facts.