How to Trick Atheists into Believing in God
The Simulator theory is not only unproven but unprovable. Yet unproven belief in God is considered absurd and unproven belief that we are in a computer simulation is written up in Scientific American.
The Simulator theory is not only unproven but unprovable. Yet unproven belief in God is considered absurd and unproven belief that we are in a computer simulation is written up in Scientific American.
As much of our culture turns away from Christianity, the beliefs our faith espouses make their way into the mainstream press less and less. Many media sources, already vehicles of various biases we find unpalatable, make us angry when they misrepresent Catholicism or advocate immorality or scoff at our values. So we boycott. Stay inside our social media echo chambers. Read about how bad the other side is in our preferred news sources without actually reading what the opposition is writing.
It’s not an irrational response — frankly, it’s an understandable response. But it isn’t the best one.
I’m realizing I need to worry a little less about the difference I’m making in the world.
Let me take a step back and explain what I mean with that conclusion. Like anyone else’s, my Christian life goes through cycles and seasons as God leads me down new paths or reteaches me old lessons. Last year, He taught me that surrendering my own plans meant being taken in glorious new directions. “Content to fill a little space,” I am happily doing work for the kingdom.
But lately, I’ve been reminded that the most important thing is not the difference I make in this world, but the marks it leaves on me … how my life experiences shape my eternal soul.
I dislike Donald Trump’s blowhard, fear-mongering, liberal-in-conservative’s-clothing campaign for a lot of reasons, but there’s one in particular that makes me see red: whenever he mentions faith.
I’m an evangelical Christian, and my religious convictions influence my political leanings more than anything else. And I’m here to tell you that Religious Trump is fake, fake, fake.
While he doesn’t get quite as detailed as he did in a Complex interview last year, Bieber is explicit about his faith and who he believes he’s accountable to: “only God can judge me.”
Although I still have so many questions, my love for the Catholic Church has grown strong in a short time.
I knew then that I needed to tell my story in a much more complete way than I was planning—scars and all.
“Even though you are critical of the Church, you still want to stay a part of it.”
To some people, being pregnant means glowy Instagram selfies and gender reveal parties and pinning nursery pictures and prenatal yoga. To me, being pregnant has meant keeping puke bags in the car.